
As we explore the history of William Herzog, Stone Hill Winery and Hermann, we are always on the hunt for informative sources.

Partnership Notice

Partnership notice of William Herzog and George Stark taking over Poeschel, Scherer & Co (later renamed to Stone Hill Winery).

Birthday Announcement

Birthday announcement for William Herzog on May 30, 1883. He was 36 years old.

Agricultural Association

William Herzog was the President of The Gasconade County Agricultural Association

Board of Education

William Herzog served on the board of education between 1883 to 1885.

Stone Hill Advertisement

An 1884 advertisement of Stone Hill Wine naming William Herzog and George Starck as successors to M. Poeschel, Scherer & Co.

Mansion Construction

From the Advertiser-Courier dated December 23, 1885. It brings to light multiple facts including that William Herzog sourced the brick from Fred Vallet and likely commissioned Architect Otto Wilhelmi.


Obituary of William Herzog dated September 11, 1917. To read the full obituary, click on the image above.

Death Certificate

St. Louis Death Certificate

Missouri Historic Inventory

Missouri Historic Architectural Inventory dated October 5, 1985

Historic Preservation Survey

Historic Preservation Survey by The Missouri Heritage Trust – October, 1985
Historic Preservation Survey by The Missouri Heritage Trust – October, 1985